{% if (ctx.options.vpat) { %} {% } %} {% if (!ctx.self.imageUpload) { %} {% if (ctx.options.vpat) { %}
{{(!ctx.component.filePattern || ctx.component.filePattern === '*') ? 'Any file types are allowed' : ctx.t('Allowed file types: ') + ctx.component.filePattern}}
{% } %} {% } else { %}
{% ctx.files.forEach(function(file) { %}
{{file.originalName || file.name}} {% if (!ctx.disabled) { %} {% } %}
{% }) %}
{% } %} {% if (!ctx.disabled && (ctx.component.multiple || !ctx.files.length)) { %} {% if (ctx.self.useWebViewCamera) { %}
{% } else if (!ctx.self.cameraMode) { %}
{{ctx.t('Drop files to attach,')}} {% if (ctx.self.hasScanner && ctx.component.scanner) { %} {{ctx.t('use scanner')}}, {% } %} {% if (ctx.self.imageUpload && ctx.component.webcam) { %} {{ctx.t('use camera')}} {% } %} {{ctx.t('or')}} {{ctx.t('browse')}} {{ctx.t('Browse to attach file for ' + ctx.component.label + '. ' + (ctx.component.description ? ctx.component.description + '. ' : '') + ((!ctx.component.filePattern || ctx.component.filePattern === '*') ? 'Any file types are allowed' : ctx.t('Allowed file types: ') + ctx.component.filePattern))}}
{% } else { %}
{% } %} {% } %} {% ctx.statuses.forEach(function(status) { %}
{{status.originalName}} {{ctx.t('Remove button. Press to remove ' + status.originalName || status.name + '.')}} {{status.message ? status.message.replace(';', '.') : ''}}
{% if (status.status === 'progress') { %}
{{status.progress}}% {{ctx.t('Complete')}}
{% } else if (status.status === 'error') { %}
{% } else { %}
{% } %}
{% }) %} {% if (!ctx.component.storage || ctx.support.hasWarning) { %}
{% if (!ctx.component.storage) { %}

{{ctx.t('No storage has been set for this field. File uploads are disabled until storage is set up.')}}

{% } %} {% if (!ctx.support.filereader) { %}

{{ctx.t('File API & FileReader API not supported.')}}

{% } %} {% if (!ctx.support.formdata) { %}

{{ctx.t("XHR2's FormData is not supported.")}}

{% } %} {% if (!ctx.support.progress) { %}

{{ctx.t("XHR2's upload progress isn't supported.")}}

{% } %}
{% } %}